Václav Šmídl

Research interests

  • Bayesian system identification in general. More experience with (i) Bayesian factor analysis and linear dimensionality reduction, (ii) Generalized AutoRegressive models, (iii) Forgetting technique.
  • Variational Bayes approximation in general.
  • Stochastic control and approximation of dynamic programming.

Research Results

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Unique Autonomous Tram Introduced in Pilsen

Unique Autonomous Tram Introduced in Pilsen

Pilsen is becoming a center of innovation in urban public transportation. In cooperation with the Faculty of Electrical Engineering of the Czech Technical University (FEE CTU), the Faculty of Electrical Engineering of the University of West Bohemia (FEL UWB), and Pilsen City Transport Company (PMDP), a technological demonstrator of an autonomous tram is being introduced. This breakthrough technology promises to increase operational efficiency and improve the working conditions of tram drivers.

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