The latest white paper published by our cybersecurity research group explores the growth of IPv6 in the last years and how it impacts the field of IoT.

The growth of IPv6 (Internet Protocol version 6) adoption may transform the cybersecurity play field, changing how attackers and defenders operate. What is the current state of IoT security and how fast do we need to adapt to stay ahead of the game? The cybersecurity lab aimed to answer this and other questions in their research conducted from May to July 2020. The recently published white paper explores what is the current state of IPv6 security in IoT, what is the global growth of IPv6 and how does this growth look like in a real network.

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García, S., Ubiedo L., O'Hara T., Erguiaga M. J., 2020. Current State of IPv6 Security in IoT. [Online]